“To say that something is designed means it has intentions that go beyond its function. Otherwise it’s just planning.”

— Ayse Birsel


Websites • Logos • B2B packages • Newsletters • Brochures • Collateral • Signage • Packaging • and more!


From new startups to established businesses - DCH Graphics is here to help with your advertising and outreach materials – be it a new project or a needed refresh.


Check out our satisfied clients…


Branding / Collateral

Newsletters • Annual Reports

Packaging • POP Displays

Environmental Signage / Graphic Panels

Brochures, Posters…

Book Design – Three Mile Harbor, East Hampton’s Priceless Gem

Infographics, Campaigns

“Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.”

— Orson Welles